

Achievement tests 成就测试
Agency shop 工会代理制
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 建设性争议解决方法
Analytic approach 分析法
Apprenticeship 学徒制
Arbitrary 仲裁
Assessment 评价
Assessment center 评价中心
Attitude awareness and change program 态度认知与改变计划
Attitudinal structuring 态度构建
Audit approach 审计法
Balanced scorecard 综合评价卡
Basic skills 基本技能
Benchmarking 评判
Benefits 收益
Bonus 奖金
Boycott 联合抵制
Career counseling 职业咨询
Career curves (maturity curves) 职业曲线(成熟曲线)
Career management system 职业管理系统
Career support 职业支持
Cognitive outcomes 认知性结果
Collective bargaining process 劳资谈判过程
Competency assessment 能力评估
Competitive advantage 竞争优势
Contributory plan 投入计划
Coordination training 合作培训
Core competencies 核心竞争力
Criterion-related validity 效标关联效度
Cross-training 交叉培训
Cultural environment 文化环境
Customer appraisal 顾客评估
Decision support systems 决策支持系统
Defined-benefit plan 养老金福利计划
Defined-contribution plan 资方养老金投入计划
Diversity training 多元化培训
Downsizing 精简
Downward move 降级
Efficiency wage theory 效率工资理论
Employee empowerment 员工授权
Employee survey research 雇员调查与研究
Equal employment opportunity (EEO) 公平就业机会
Expatriate 外派雇员
Expert systems 专家系统
External analysis 外部分析
Feedback 反馈
Flexible benefits plans (cafeteria plans) 灵活的福利计划(自助福利方案)
Flextime 灵活的时间
Functional job analysis, FJA 职能工作分析
Gain sharing plans 收益分享计划
Group-building methods 团队建设法
High-leverage training 高层次培训
High-performance work systems 高绩效工作系统
Hourly work 计时工资制
Human capital 人力资本
Human resource information system (HRIS) 人力资源信息系统
Human resource management 人力资源管理
Human resources planning, HRP 人力资源计划
Intraorganizational bargaining 组织内谈判
Job classification system 工作分类法
Job description 工作描述
Job design 工作设计
Job rotation 工作轮换
Job satisfaction 工作满意度
Job specification 工作规范
Labor market 劳动力市场
Labor relations process 劳动关系进程
Leaderless group discussion 无领导小组讨论法
Management prerogatives 管理特权
Managing diversity 管理多元化
Merit guideline 绩效指南
Minimum wage 最低工资
On-the-job training, OTJ 在职培训
Opportunity to perform 实践的机会
Organizational analysis 组织分析
Organizational capability 组织能力
Pay-for-performance standard 按绩效的报酬标准
Pay structure 工资结构
Peer appraisal 同事评估
Performance appraisal 绩效评价
Performance feedback 绩效反馈
Performance management 绩效管理
Performance planning and evaluation (PPE) 绩效规划与评价系统
Perquisites 津贴
Person analysis 个人分析
Range spread 工资范围跨度
Readiness for training 培训准备
Recruitment 招募
Self-appraisal 自我评估
Situational interview 情景面试
Skill-based pay 技能工资
Skill inventories 技能量表
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) 战略性人力资源管理
Wage and salary survey 薪资调查
Work permit/ work certificate 就业许可证 






在线客服 计算器 意见反馈


